Start Up Bill To Ease Capital Access

Tuesday, 15th January, 2022

Start-ups have demonstrated capabilities to create digital solutions as in the case of ongoing economic digital advancement in Zambia hence the need to enact a policy that will provide an enabling environment for innovators to access capital says Technology and Science Minister Felix Mutati.

Mr Mutati said regional collaborations will broaden the innovation scope and break silos hence the need to promote regional networking in the sphere of Africa. He commended a Zambian and pioneer hub, Bongo Hives, for spearheading regional collaborations engaging a crop of innovative think tanks in order to collectively interrogate ideas and broadly create solutions for Africa.

Minister disclosed that Government is in the process to resolve start-up hindrances to breakthroughs therefore a review on course shall be devised to waive tax and duty on innovation tools commencing next year January 2023, he said this resultantly will enhance start-up capacity and promote a strong innovation base in Africa.

Mr Mutati was speaking today at a regional start-ups innovation workshop in Lusaka.

In pictures

Minister Mutati giving his remarks
Assistant Director – Technology (Mr. John Chongo)
Lukonga Lindunda – Executive Director Bongo Hive

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